Embracing The Power of Touch

Anyone who knows me, is well aware of the fact that I am a little bit needy. I have no shame in admitting that I still hop in between Mam and Dad whenever I am home from Abu Dhabi. Did I also mention that I am thirty one years old? Yep, I'm that child that never grew out of the cuddle phase. The one who gives linebacker love to friends and family she hasn't seen in a while. I have been known to clinch a little too tight at times. I like to call these: Jesus squeezes , the ones that have been months in the making. They have that unique feeling of the other-worldly, that transcendental touch. I'm not completely soft however, I do like to listen to rap music. I like to think of myself as a bit of a hug thug . I have spent many years sharing and stealing hugs from various family members, some a little more reluctant than others. (I'll touch more on that one later). You may be wondering what I am getting at here? Well, I recently watched an extremely enjoyable exch...