The Dying Embers of the Decade

It is the penultimate month, the eleventh hour, of 2019 but also 2010 and all the months in between. The fire has roared, it has raged and now it is subsiding. We are now in the dying embers of the decade. What were you doing ten years ago? How has your life changed? As the ashes set on December 31st, how will you rise again? Like Joaquin Phoenix? Or the proverbial bird of rebirth that bears the same name? (Whichever simile you choose, I hope your performance is Oscar worthy). The year was 2010, I was completing my final year of an English and Geography degree in NUIG. When I think back on that time there was so much uncertainty. We were in the aftermath of a recession and it was going to take serious creativity to manifest a job with a basic Arts degree. So I left behind gregarious Galway and its charming, characterful cobbled streets. I headed east to Dublin to see if I could master Journalism. It had always been my dream to report on sport and so I began this journey in DIT....