Yoganatomy: YTT Module IV

During the first module of Yoga Teacher Training, I found myself really noticing the power of my breath. I finally became fully aw air e of this passive prana that politely goes about its bodily business. I recently listened to Niall O'Murchu on The Real Health Podcast with Karl Henry and he described our breath as "a remote control for our nervous system." We have the zapper (as my Dad calls it!) in our hands so we decide how to use it. Previously, during yoga class. I had predominantly concentrated on moving from one pose to the next but when I began to really focus on my breathing, Vinyasa took on a whole new meaning. I rediscovered rhythm which was followed by flow and we made a connection (when you know, you know!) This month, In Module IV, we expanded on our breath practices and focused on diving deeper. It was insightful and delightful to discover just how powerful this practice can be. When you learn about how yoga affects every aspect of our body, you beg...