Be (in)credible


One of my all time favourite poets, the wondrous wordsmith that was Seamus Heaney once remarked at a university graduation:

I absolutely adore the assertive nature of this statement. It implores you to ask yourself: what am I doing every day to take me closer to my goal? It invites you to answer the question: do you want to trundle through life or thunder along the ground of convinced action?

He goes on to describe this rhythm we should experience, the momentum we must manufacture in order to be the best version of ourselves. If we don’t do this, we run the risk of merely filling a set mould rather than intuitively creating and carving out our own. 

In essence, this quote struck me because it provides the simplest instruction on taking charge of your life. My sister asked me recently how she could work on achieving her goals. In my last post I referenced my fuzzy focus in February. I think clearing a path is pivotal for any individual in order to successfully overcome a challenge. I am no expert on the subject I only know what works for me and it is a combination of clarity and credibility

I believe confidence and self-development are intrinsically linked. I focus on pouring positivity into my life and allowing it to permeate through me. I exercise to feel strong and empowered, I write because it is energizing. These are the things that ignite a flame within me and this provides the light required to illuminate my goals.

What is it that fuels your fire and stirs your soul? Focus on finding that and when you do, be unrelenting in the pursuit of your passion. Set aside time in your week to work towards this and cut out anything that could curb your progress-get away from the ‘Gram and forego Facebook while you focus on moving forward. 
This month I have minimalised my goals in order to gain clarity. I also have specific deadlines, some of which have complemented eachother: a 5K and a football tournament-Senior Plate winners🤗🏆! I am also aiming to complete my BodyBalance instructor training course. You don't dawdle through the departure gates without a destination in mind so why would you aimlessly lounge through life? 

Getting started, keeping going. The essential rhythm, like a healthy heartbeat humming along a monitor screen. Make steady progress every day and follow your heart. The timing might never be right but it's always the right time to start. 


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